Emergency Contraception: “Emergency contraception” is designed to be used with the specific intent of preventing implantation of the baby in the uterine wall. “Emergency contraception” is not a prevention of life starting, but an interruption of the life process.
One form of “emergency contraception” is perhaps better known as the “morning-after pill.” It is often used for victims of rape, on those who had unplanned sexual intercourse or who had intercourse but their method of birth control appears to have failed (i.e. torn condom, a loose fitting diaphragm, etc).
The IUD:A second form of “emergency contraception” is the insertion of an intra-uterine device (IUD) within five days of unprotected sex. It is designed to disrupt the lining of the uterus to prevent implantation of the fertilized egg.
Source: Christian Life Resources
One form of “emergency contraception” is perhaps better known as the “morning-after pill.” It is often used for victims of rape, on those who had unplanned sexual intercourse or who had intercourse but their method of birth control appears to have failed (i.e. torn condom, a loose fitting diaphragm, etc).
The IUD:A second form of “emergency contraception” is the insertion of an intra-uterine device (IUD) within five days of unprotected sex. It is designed to disrupt the lining of the uterus to prevent implantation of the fertilized egg.
Source: Christian Life Resources